Sunday 5 January 2014

Can you can have it all - and smile too?

Friday night was a great night out. Although I was tired Saturday, it was amazing to get out and be myself again instead of being a mother all the time. The dance floor was pretty empty so the girls and I had lots of space to dance just like old times. A huge thanks to my husband for being such a trooper and being OK with me taking a night (and the following morning) off.

This morning we took time for ourselves and went to yoga while the grandparents watched our son. I was smiling just waiting for the class to start! An hour or two when I don't have to watch my son; some time out with my husband; a yoga class to make me feel great! I couldn't have asked for a better morning. :)

This afternoon the stars aligned and our son played happily in his jolly jumper while my husband and I cut up vegetables to make salsa. With some juggling of the baby this afternoon we managed to make a bunch of jars of salsa, wash both of the cars, shovel the driveway, clean the bathrooms, and walk the dog - all before 6:00 pm!

This weekend has given me lots to smile about. I have been able to have it all: some time for myself, some quality family time, and some cleaning and cooking accomplishments. Once again it was nothing in particular that made this weekend great, but I think changing my perspective about things has really helped me feel great about each day. Maybe this is the key? Not trying to accomplish anything spectacular or grand each day, but to appreciate the small things that make life special. So far it seems to be working for me.

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