Sunday 27 April 2014

After so much time has passed, it is hard to get back to this again. The high hopes I had for blogging here and sharing my stories have gone. Real life has settled in. In the chaos of our everyday life I am realizing that this original idea won't work for me. I want to blog. I want to share. But I can't do it every day. I can't post all the time. I am too busy living :)

I have been trying and mostly succeeding in finding my happiness on a day to day basis. I try to relish those small things that bring me joy. Most times it works, others it does not. One thing that I have started and enjoyed is my daily calendar.

I have created a calendar with a card for every day of the year. OK, so I have only made the first four months so far, but it has been enough for a start. Each day I write on that card something that I did. It can be simple, like 'cleaned the house' or special: 'Steve bought me flowers for no reason'.  It has been a fun memory tool even just looking back on the past few months. The idea is that if you continue this for year(s) to come, you have a form of mini-diary or glance into your life. Next year I can see what I was doing a year ago and see how things have changed or stayed the same. Already it has provided smiles and sparked memories looking back.

As my time on mat. leave winds down, I think of all the things I should/want/need to do. I struggle with the idea of going back to work, as I am sure every mom does. I want to make the most of these last few months together. I want to have adventures and create great memories that I can put into my calendar. They will help me as I get back to work and will make me smile as I read back through. I want to make this last time together special.

Tonight I will dream of adventures we can take together.