Tuesday 18 February 2014

Sickness, travel, and life in general

Wow.  After one month of sickness on and off in our household, I think we are finally back on track again.

My son and I were sick for most of the month of January. It was awful. There were a number of days when I was so sick that my husband had to take time off work and care for our son because I was unable to get out of bed.  I nursed and slept. I tried to drink and eat but for a while nothing would stay down. Thank goodness that my husband, who didn't get sick, was able to be around and take care of our son and keep the household running (relatively) smoothly. One thing about being sick is that it helps you to appreciate your good health once it returns.

A few days after I got hit, our son got hit with whatever bug was going around. He had a fever for the first time on Wednesday night and it was a terrible night for us. I still felt petty sick myself and then I was also awake for a large part of the night holding him and worrying. His fever never got too high, but it was enough for me to worry. He was cranky and cried for hours on and off. He was so tired but couldn't stay asleep and every time he would fall asleep in our arms he would wake up and scream seconds or minutes later. Finally around 2:30 am he fell asleep for a few hours. It turns out he had an ear infection and with some medication, rest, and TLC he got over it. Poor boy!

At the start of February we had our first family vacation and made the trek to Florida to escape the snow. We had a wonderful time in the warm weather (although it was cooler there than normal). We had a couple of foggy and rainy days, which was unfortunate, but we still made the most of our time there and still biked/played mini golf in the rain. It was still much warmer than home! Our son enjoyed being outside in shorts and t-shirt and like to swim in the pool and dip his feet in the ocean. It was a blast.

I was a little worried about flying with our son for the first time but he was an angel. Even with some flight delays he still only got a little fussy and managed to sleep for most of the time on the planes. There were a couple of times that I was convinced he was going to have a screaming fit but I was able to calm him down and keep him fairly content. Phew!

Now we are finally home and trying to get back into a stable routine so that he will go back to sleeping through the night. With Christmas being so hectic, sickness in January, and traveling at the start of this month, we have not been to successful with having him sleep through the night. Since we've been home though, we have been able to be more consistent and he has slept through the night (or at least woken up and fallen back asleep without our help and without much crying) at least half of the nights in the past week. Fingers crossed that we can keep it up!